Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Prayer Requests

Transkei in general- pray for Bible study groups to be established where there is a shortage of trained pastors.  Also, pray for favor with the village chiefs, who seem to hold a lot of power. 

Mtinde- a rural village in Transkei where the food delivery has been stopped to the soup kitchen there.  Pray that the Lord will make a way to get the food to the kids.  

Mamas- all the mamas need more training and discipleship in order to teach the children about Jesus, hygiene and preparing them for life. 

Disabled children of Bambisana- A therapist, Elbie, from Jeffreys Bay has a heart for these little ones and has been there to help several times.  She needs help from more people or an organization that could empower her to be more effective. 

Jehovah Jireh Haven-  Molly and Nels have had their funding withdrawn and are walking by faith, day-by-day.  Pray for strength for them.  There are many needs that these children have.  Pray for a way to make sponsorship possible for these 110 precious ones.  They also need a re-zoning to happen with the property, in order to expand. 

YWAM- The base in Cape Town recently took a Titus team to Kwadick in Transkei for 6 weeks to work in the schools.  Pray for Sarah (the team leader) and that this work that they started there, could continue. 

Permanent missionaries in Transkei-  This is a huge need for the area.  A couple from Cape Town, Gerard and Mignon, are going to be living in Bambisana until the end of next year and will be a huge help with teams coming and going, establishing relationships, discipleship, etc.  Another couple from Cape Town, Ricus and Truda, would like to return to Transkei permanently in 2015 if they can raise their financial support.  They were pastors there, previously, but were forced to leave because of lack of support.  They have such a heart for the people there.  Let us pray that God will make a way for them! 

Lady Grey hospital- A government hospital near Transkei that has a condemned building, no money for repairs, and hardly enough to buy medical supplies.  They have told Rufus that they are in desperate need of a suction unit for deliveries.
We also need to pray for Rufus.  He has a grueling schedule of travelling coming up.  Pray for strength for him, for coordination of the details and his health. 

Thank you for partnering with HuntSA Ministry in this very important work of prayer.

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  1. Please take a look at our updated Facebook page!! You will want to "like" it to keep pace with the excitement and challenge of this ministry!
