Thursday, January 2, 2014

Dear friends,

2013 is now over, yes what a year it was. There were some hardships but also good times. But in all God was so good to me.
I am busy planning and praying for my trip to the US. If you can pray that God will equip me and give me direction for the message I need to take to the US. Also please pray for appointments with people that God wants to get involved with the ministry. Also ,would you pray for the Jehovah Jireh Haven orphanage. There are 100 children , and the funds are not there to take care of them. We are beginning to get sponsors for these children and need a 100 sponsors at $ 25 per month. Through the generosity of people around the world, we were able to give each child a Christmas box. It was so amazing and now people are pouring out their hearts and stepping up to sponsor children. You can play a big role with just a few dollars a month. Please let us know if you are interested.
I just read the book Half Time by Bob Buford. It is about living a successful live but then changing it to meaningful live. I could just see how God has changed my life from a rancher to what I am doing now. It was so inspirational for me, also to be more effective for His Kingdom. That is why I am so humbly thankful for all of your prayers because I know that to be more effective, it cannot come out of myself but from God.

I arrive in the US on Jan 23rd. We have meetings in Newport News, Virginia that weekend. Then we travel to Kansas City for a week of meetings and ministry and also the first meeting of our new HuntSA Ministries USA non profit. This is exciting as we see the ministry grow and serve more needs in South Africa.

Then I travel to Dallas Texas, for a week. On to Montana from Feb 10th-19th , Fargo North Dakota for presentations and then back to Great Falls and Helena Montana for meetings and participating in an outdoor show in Helena from Feb 24th -March 3rd .

I return to South Africa March 4th and a team from Montana will arrive shortly afterward to do ministry in the Transkei region and at Jehovah Jireh Haven.

If you would like more details, please contact Brad Rauch at or phone him at 406-249-7068

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